We provide girls with space to have fun, adventure and opportunities to discover their potential.

Across Girlguiding Kent East county units meet regularly. We give girls the opportunity to have fun and try new things with friends.

From building a den, cooking in a tin can, to their first ever sleepover, and stepping up to lead their own camp, we help them to develop the skills and confidence to become the young women they want to be.

As girls grow, they take their guiding skills with them. Whether speaking out, working in a team, taking the lead, or applying practical skills, they can make a difference to the world around them.

Check out our Impact and voice wall for snippets of what we get up to!

Come and join us...

Being involved in guiding leads to amazing experiences.

Join Girlguiding as a young member from 4 years old, and as an adult volunteer from 18.