Join Us

We’re here for all girls, and have been for over 115 years. Girlguiding was founded because girls wanted an equal world, where they could have the same opportunities as boys.

It’s been over a century, and whilst so much progress has been made, the reason Girlguiding was founded hasn’t gone away.

Girls and young women

We support girls to laugh, learn, explore and have adventures. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers meet regularly across Kent East county, for girls and young women aged 4 – 18.

Register a young member


Start your own Girlguiding story as a volunteer. Open up your life to new experiences and adventures, meet new people, challenge yourself and develop skills you didn’t know you had!

Girlguiding would not exist without its amazing volunteers. We offer extensive training, to adults and young leaders, and opportunities to develop new skills.

Register to volunteer

Young Volunteers

Girls can volunteer at Rainbows and Brownies from 10 years old, as an active member of Guides. Speak to your Guide leader to find out about Rainbow and Brownie helper opportunities.

Young women aged 14 to 17 can volunteer as a young leader. There is no requirement to attend Rangers for this role and you can pursue your young leader qualification.

If you’re 14 to 17 (or 13 in the school year you turn 14), you can become a young external volunteer as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

Leadership and supporting roles

No matter how much time you have to give, there’s an opportunity for you in Girlguiding. Whether you see yourself being an extra pair of hands, as a unit helper, or becoming more involved as a unit leader, or in a supporting role outside of unit meetings: no commitment is too small!

Register as a volunteer