Have some fun with a range of activities centred around marshmallows!
Ideas collated from the Marshmallow thread on Guiders.co.uk (August 2017)
Here are some ideas for a marshmallow themed unit meeting. Pick and choose depending on your resources and needs!
Have a go at using marshmallows, cocktail sticks, icing sugar and sweet decorations to make caterpillars, spiders, dogs or any other creature you can think of. Have a competition to see who is the most creative! If its winter time, you could also make snowmen.
Build a miniature igloo using marshmallows.
Use marshmallows to paint a picture by using them as sponges.
Make edible tea cups and saucers using a party rings for the saucer, marshmallow for the cup, half a polo for the handle, giant chocolate button for tea, all glued together with icing sugar.
For decoration: raisins, gumdrops, liquorice laces, icing.
Thread marshmallows onto strawberry laces along with other sweets to make necklaces and bracelets.
Which team can build the highest tower using only marshmallows and dry spaghetti?
Who can keep a marshmallow in their mouth the longest without eating it?
How many words can you make out of the letters in ‘marshmallow’?
Play marshmallow toss. In each team have a designated catcher who has a bucket/bag and must stand behind a line away from the rest of her team. They then have to throw the marshmallows for her to catch – winning team is the one which catches the most!