
10 - 14 years

Guides Guides section logo, part of Girlguiding.
Guides campfire clipart.

Have fun, learn and be yourself with good friends at Guides, in a relaxed and welcoming space from 10 to 14 years old.

Explore the things you love and try stuff you've never done before. Have you cooked over a campfire, or created your own perfume? Had a mocktail party, designed an advertising campaign, or raised money for a charity you believe in? You can do all of this and loads more at Guides.

Guides camera clipart.
Guides chefs hat clipart.
Guides campfire clipart.
Guides chefs hat clipart.
Guides camera clipart.
Register for Guides

You’ll do fun activities, play games and earn badges

Guides follow a special programme with fun activities, games and badges. During your time at Guides, you will progress through 6 themes and awards. These are consistent from Rainbows, through Brownies and Guides, to Rangers, featuring a wealth of varied activities and subjects.

There are Skills Builder badges, with subjects such as camping, communication and first aid, earned during unit meetings.

Interest badges, including Backwoods cooking, Confectionery, Craftivism, Mixology, and Vlogging can be earned at home.

Badges and activities

Being a Guide

Many units split girls into small groups called patrols for some activities and, as you get older, you’ll have a chance to become a patrol leader. You could also try out the Guide camp permit, become a Rainbow or Brownie helper with a local unit and inspire our youngest sections, or become a member of Amplify, who help staff and senior volunteers make decisions about the future of Girlguiding.

What do Guides wear?

Guides are encouraged to wear uniform to show they’re part of the Girlguiding family but there is no need to have it before you start. You’ll wear a Guide top or dress.

Badges can be attached to the uniform. The promise badge, which she’ll get after making your Guide promise, should be on the left-hand side. All other badges can be placed wherever you choose.


Membership fees, or subs, will be specific to an individual unit, which is calculated from costs such as their meeting location.

What’s after Guides? 

After Guides, you can move onto Rangers, our section for girls aged 14-18, where you get together with other girls to have fun, learn more, give back, hang out, and just be you. 

Or you could become a young leader with a local unit and grow your leadership skills while helping to inspire girls in Rainbows or Brownies.

Register for Guides